

an isometric drawing of the interior of a sailboat. Rek is stoking a woodstove, Little Ninj is updating his website at the nav table and Devine is cooking something tasty in the galley


A list of changes and updates to our projects.


June 2024

- Collating -

Book Club: This month we are reading Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder.

May 2024

a rain bird, the mascot of alaska

We spent this month moving northward through both southern and northern British Columbia. We've been moving almost every day, stopping every night to anchor, sleep and recuperate. Sailing near land is not as relaxing as sailing offshore, this reef-strewn coast requires careful navigation. We've had many long days of endless tacking from one side of the channel to the other, almost all the way to Port McNeill , then after that we started to get more weather from the south for some mostly pleasant, but cold and rainy, downwind sailing. We've been using our woodstove a lot, in evenings it helps warm the boat after a long sail.

On May 29th, 623 nautical miles miles after leaving Victoria , we arrived in Prince Rupert , our last major port in British Columbia before we head north to Southeast Alaska. Then, on June 2nd, we arrived in Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska. Most of our updates this month detail some of the places we've been(see the above list). To see our path, look at western canada and us se alaska . We update the map as we find internet.

We've seen sea otters, lots of humpback whales, two pods of orcas(one pod had a baby tagging along), eagles, and lots of mountains. In other non-travel related news, Devine is going to speak again at Handmade Seattle this upcoming November!

Book Club: This month we are reading The Martian by Andy Weir.

April 2024

Ninj, a little grey ninja, is standing at the top of a sailboat mast while saying: top of pino island

Devine has been busy working on the implementation and documentation of wryl 's fantastic programming language Modal . Rewriting systems are a computation paradigm that is generally unknown and under-explored that might have some fascinating features that might be able help us to tackle some of our future projects.

In other news, Pino is ready to head northward! We finished all of our boats projects and left the dock on May 1st. See a photo of our first day of the year on the water, taken as we exited Enterprise Channel, just north of Trial Island south of Victoria . On our travels we will continue to push updates every month like usual, but the updates will only go live when we find internet, and this may or may not coincide with the start of every month. We will keep a log of our travels, populated with plenty of drawings!

Book Club: This month we are reading How Not to Age by Michael Greger.

March 2024

Ninj, a little grey ninja, is stamping down on a just-made rope mat to flatten it out

Pino now has all-new chainplates! We removed the original ones earlier this month to inspect them and found some pit corrosion(as well as a small crack), replacing them was necessary. With the chainplates gone, we removed the entire starboard side cabinet to see what was behind it—it's always nice to see parts of our boat we've never seen. We also replaced 3 old halyards on Pino. Devine earned themself a couple of blisters splicing dyneema onto some of our existing halyards.

Sejo revisited the Uxn tutorial , and appended corrections. The most important change is that the tutorial is now targeting the learn-uxn platform (online) maintained by metasyn . Now, people can jump right in and experiment without having to set up a dev environment. Tsoding, someone who can code in front of the camera in a language they've never used or read the docs for, did a pretty funny session in Uxntal, you can watch it here .

There has been too many exciting Uxn projects coming out these past few days, so we'll just put a link to the hashtag . Someone also created a Discord channel , it's a good place to learn about other concatenative languages and an alternative for people who have trouble with #uxn, in irc.libera.chat.

Book Club: This month we are reading The Last Great Sea by Terry Glavin.

February 2024

Late last month we started re-modeling part of our galley, the work is now complete! It's subtle, but the splash image for the log now includes the re-design. We will test our new galley when we go out cruising.

Pino will be adventuring a bit more north this summer, we're planning to explore the north coast of British Columbia, all the way to Prince Rupert, or possibly Ketchikan(AK), areas with little to no cell coverage. How far we go depends on what we find on the way. If the seas and winds are kind, and if we have time, we might go farther. We spend our days studying charts, gathering supplies, and fixing up the boat to make sure the passage is safe and pleasant. More updates on our plans soon!

Want to see something cool? Xsodect made Tetris (Mastodon) in Orca .

Movie Club: This month we watched The Race to Alaska Movie .

January 2024

On January 10th the forge that we use to host our projects was taken down by DDoS attacks and was struggling to come back online(it's back now, read the post-mortem ), the event reminded us that we ought to host mirrors and release versions of these source files ourselves. We have begun to host copies across our various websites. The builds are still accessible through itch.io . These will be automatically updated as we work on them in their individual repositories, but mirrored there for reliability. We are thankful for Sourcehut's tireless work on resolving the issue and for taking the time to communicate important changes.

In keeping with the spirit of improving the resilience of the tools we use we've taken a moment to write a kind of pocket version of the console emulator and self-hosted assembler as to see how many lines are needed to start from the seed assembler and replicate it. A copy of the pocket emulator, the source for the assembler and its hexadecimal representation have been documented .

On January 17th Victoria got its first snowfall , with it came temperatures below freezing. We got to test our recent improvements, like a new louvered closet vent to help ventilate the space(there are also two existing vents at the top, one on each side). The closet has been dry for the first time in 3 years. We've made an effort not to keep too many items on the floor so the area can breathe. We got ice inside of the windows for the first time ever though... not ideal.

See Uxn running on a Zaurus Husky (Mastodon).

Last reminder . Tinyletter is shutting down in February 2024, we have sent our last newsletter using this service. We are now using Sourcehut to send our monthly updates. We cannot transfer accounts to this new list ourselves, so if you're still subscribed to our TinyLetter list and want to keep receiving updates by email, please sign up again here . Clicking on the subscribe button will open your email client, you can leave the body and subject of the email blank.

Book Club: This month we are reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.